Building Cooperative Leaders

The University of Montana’s Forum for Living with Appropriate Technology (FLAT) is currently accepting applications for a co-director position for 2024-2025!

Located just off campus (633 S 5th St E.), the UM FLAT is a cooperative student residency that strives to empower members of the Missoula community to lead ecologically and socially responsible lifestyles. FLAT residents work together to demonstrate ways of living that promote sustainability, social equity, and community engagement. For 2024-2025, there are openings for two residents and one co-director. 

The UM FLAT is led by two co-directors, who each put in 15-20 hours of work per week. Co-directors work together to facilitate necessary logistics at the FLAT and create a supportive community that encourages FLAT residents to reach their goals. Fulfilling the responsibilities of this job also means working with residents in group and one-on-one situations to develop and meet project goals.

Before getting started, a few things you should know:

  • Only University of Montana first-year EVST graduate students can apply. Co-directors must be able to live and work at the FLAT for 2 years. 
  • Because we are a UM facility and a community meeting space, pets are not allowed at the FLAT.
  • Review and familiarize yourself with our strategic plan found here.
  • FLAT residents are required to register for the 1 credit FLAT seminar, ENST 494/594, each semester of residency.

Resident Co-Directors Responsibilities 

  • Support housemates in accomplishing meaningful individual and group goals related to their work at the FLAT
  • Be consistent and cooperative with one another and residents
  • Ensure that housemate rights and responsibilities are shared equitably
  • Check in with other housemates periodically about project updates and collaboration opportunities
  • Coordinate orientations and debriefs throughout the semester
  • Serve as the public point-of-contact for community partners
  • Organize and oversee the FLAT resident and intern application processes
  • Collect house funds & internet contributions from FLAT housemates
  • Regularly restock household and other property supplies 
  • Manage ASUM funds
  • Keep track of FLAT funds and fundraising through Excel
  • Updating member and event information on Grizhub (University student portal)
  • Conduct outreach across Missoula and University communities
  • Schedule and manage Studio use
  • Check-in regularly with EVST Faculty Advisor, Property Management, and other co-director


Co-directors receive one semester of a TA stipend and tuition waiver each year they serve as a co-director. Co-directors serve for 2 academic years, contingent on continued UM funding and satisfactory performance. The TA stipend is $5,000 for one semester.

To apply, send the following to by Sunday, March 10, 2023 by midnight MST: 

  1. A copy of your resume
  2. One personal reference (contact information only, no reference letters necessary)
  3. Answers to the following questions in a separate document with your name. Consider this an opportunity to tell us about yourself and why you think you would be a good fit for the FLAT!


Please write a short paragraph (~250 words max) for each of the following questions.

*If you’d still be interested in being a resident in the case the co-director position is filled, please add a short statement describing the type(s) of project(s) (e.g. gardening, renewable energy, event planning, education, etc.) are you interested in working on at the FLAT next year?

  • Why do you want to live at the FLAT?
  • What experience, knowledge, and/or skill-sets would you bring to the group?
  • Please describe examples of collaborating with others on environmental projects. 
  • Please describe your past experiences living in group situations.
  • What strengths would you bring to the job of co-director?  
  • Describe your leadership style.
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are all a part of the FLAT’s mission to improve as a residency and as a community space for the University and greater Missoula area. What does DEI mean to you?
  • How do you practice sustainability in your everyday life?
  • Being a co-director at the FLAT requires a serious time commitment of 20 hours per week. How will you balance FLAT work with school and other responsibilities?

If you have any questions about living and working at the FLAT, we encourage you to check out our social media pages (Instagram/Facebook) or email us at